Anger Management
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“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.”
Chinese Proverb

“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.”
Chinese Proverb
Controlling and limiting anger is important in every aspect of one’s life. Without control you are putting limits on what you can accomplish. Anger can be an incredibly damaging force, costing people their jobs, and personal relationships. However, since everyone experiences anger, having a constructive approach to manage it effectively can turn it into a valuable asset.
Lead Xcelerator Anger Management will give you that constructive approach. You will learn how to identify your anger triggers and what to do when you get angry. Through specific coping and planning techniques, anger can become a positive tool.
- Understand anger dynamics in terms of the anger cycle and the fight and flight theory.
- Know common anger myths and their factual refutations.
- Know the helpful and unhelpful ways of dealing with anger.
- Understand the difference between objective and subjective language.
- Know tips in identifying the problem.
- Express a feeling or position using I-messages.
- Negotiation and solution-building.
- Reflect on one’s hot buttons and personal anger dynamics.
- Learn and practice de-escalation techniques.
Module One: Introduction
Module Two: Understanding Anger Types
Module Three: Do’s and Dont’s
Module Four: Gaining Control
Module Five: Separate the People from the Problem
Module Six: Working on the Problem
Module Seven: Solving the Problem
Module Eight: A Personal Plan
Module Nine: The Triple A Approach
Module Ten: Dealing with Angry People
Module Eleven: Pulling it All Together
Module Twelve: Action Planning
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